The scene itself is straightforward in term of lighting we have a sky dome and a directional light as the source of the sun. We will be using an asphalt texture with a normal map as the base texture for this scene, it will be a pretty simple material we will create an aiStandard surface material as our base material and then start customizing the look of it to achieve the desired results quickly.

We will create a noise 2d texture and customize it to create our own mask and then apply this mask to the specular weight and the diffuse roughness to achieve a fast and reliable wet surface effect in Maya. In order to create the wet surface first we will look at a reference image and talk about whats type of effect we need to replicate in Maya and what settings we need to change in order to get to the result that we are after. the shader we will be creating will utilize masks to separate the wet areas from the dry areas on our geo. In This Maya tutorial we will be creating a very cool wet asphalt surface and also puddles using Maya 2018 and Arnold rendering engine.